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User’s Company Profile

Murakami is a company that has developed by expanding into new businesses, meeting the changes of the times for 130 years. Always committed to offering what people and society demanded, we have gained their support and achieved today's growth. Now, we are at a major turning point to become a company that serves people better.


In the Mirror Systems operations, our core business, the globalization of the automotive industry and market changes are making it more and more vital for us to expand in Emerging Countries and other overseas areas. In particular, considering demand in Asian markets, we need to offer broader product lines that aren't a simple extension of what we have offered in Japan. Looking hard at end-users'​ demands and developing strategies suited to each country, we will not only meet the demand of automakers but also enhance our abilities to propose solutions of our own.


Meanwhile, to develop our strength as an enterprise, it is urgent for us to expand into other fields than the automotive industry, such as Opt-Electronics. By growing into a company that serves people in more aspects of their lives and whose employees feel happy working there, I'm convinced we will be able to best contribute to our community.

Campbellsville, Kentucky, USA

About Us

Michael Rodenberg

Chairman & CEO


Registered User (Public)

Our Team


Bridge the Gap: A worthy read in this time of revitalization.

May 18, 2021

Michael Rodenberg

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​U.S.-China Chamber of Commerce


19 South La Salle Street

Suite 601

Chicago, Illinois 60603 U.S.A.

Tel: (312) 368-9911
Fax: (312) 368-9922

China Office - Ningbo: 

(Temporarily closed, please direct

inquiries to our headquarters in Chicago)

Director:  Zhang, Jian Ming
2309 Portman Center

52 Caihong North Road
Ningbo, Zhejiang Province

China 315040

Tel: 86-574-87953268

Fax: 86-574-87953267


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