USCCC Sponsor Profile

Plante Moran
Plante Moran is among the nation’s largest certified public accounting, tax, consulting, and wealth management firms. We have more than 3,400 professionals in 25 offices throughout Colorado, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio, with international offices in Tokyo, Japan; Shanghai, China; Monterrey, Mexico; and Mumbai, India. We help clients bridge the gaps across borders, offering a better approach to global growth. We serve U.S. middle-market and private equity, multinational and publicly traded companies, public sector organizations, as well as family offices and individuals. And, with professionals specializing by industry, you’ll benefit from the expertise and advice of a team that knows your specific challenges and how to combat them.
Our Services
Audit, Tax, Accounting, International business advisory, Supply Chain & Operations, IT Consulting, Wealth Management, Commercial Real Estate.