2004 Events
Fifth Annual U.S.-China Trade Conference, November 4-5, 2004, Chicago, Illinois
A Seminar and Reception In Honor of The People's Government of Shunde "Manufacturing in the Pearl River Delta Region of China," October 26, 2004, Chicago, Illinois
Trade Mission for the Lighting Industry, October 16-25, 2004, Zhongshan, China
A special luncheon program hosted by Asia Society and co-sponsored by a number of organizations and the USCCC, September 24, 2004, Los Angeles, California
Doing Business in China Workshop in Three Series; Series II - Understanding the Chinese Market and Selling to China, September 9, 2004, Chicago, Illinois
Cross Cultural and Language Workshop, August 26, 2004, Chicago, Illinois
A Seminar and Cocktail Reception, June 29, 2004, Chicago, Illinois
Doing Business in China Workshop in Three Series; Series I - Understanding China and Working with the Manufacturers, June 2, 2004, Chicago, Illinois
China Trade Mission, April 12-23, 2004, Ningbo, Xinhui, Fushan, Zhongshan, Dongguang, China
USCCC hosted a Get-Acquainted Meeting for the visiting Delegation from Dalian Led by The Honorable Xing Liangzhong, Vice Mayor, Dalian Municipal Government, March 8, 2004, Chicago, Illinois
Seventh Annual Chinese New Year , January 27, 2004, Chicago, Illinois