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Staff | Contributor

Paul Nash

Contributing Editor

Diplomatic Courier

Toronto-based Correspondent Paul Nash is a frequent China commentator and serves as a Senior Contributing Editor at Diplomatic Courier. He is a member of the National Press Club of Washington, DC, serving on the Newsmakers Committee. He obtained his B.A. and M.A. from the University of Toronto and his Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh.

Paul Nash

Recent Articles & News

The Pandemic and the New Trade Paradigm

Article/ Pub

Siva Yam, CPA, CFA, Paul Nash, Ph.D., Contributing Editor

July 2020

Is Vietnam the Next China: A Conversation with U.S.-China Chamber of Commerce

USCCC in the News

Paul Nash

September 2, 2019

Is China Prepared for a Prolonged Trade War with the United States?

Article/ Pub

Siva Yam, Paul Nash

September 28, 2018

Year of the Rooster: What to expect from China’s economy in 2017 and the Potential Impact of Trump’s Trade Policy

Article/ Pub

by Siva Yam and Paul Nash

March 31, 2017

Interview with Siva Yam: What to Expect from China's Economy in 2017

USCCC in the News

Paul Nash

February 27, 2017

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