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U.S.-Vietnam Investment Forum

We are pleased to invite you to a special event, the U.S.-Vietnam Investment Forum and Executive Lunch, in honor of Ambassador Nguyen Quoc Cuong and a high level delegation from Vinh Phuc Province led by the Honorable Phung Quang Hung,Chairman of Vinh Phuc People's Committee. This event will be held at the Mid-America Club in Chicago from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on October 28, 2013. His Excellency Nguyen Quoc Cuong, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the United States, will discuss the strengthening of U.S.-Vietnam economic relations, and the delegation from Vinh Phuc will introduce the province.


Since the Bilateral Trade Agreement between the United States and Vietnam went into full effect in December 2001, U.S.-Vietnam trade has surged. Vietnam is currently the United States' 29th largest goods trading partner with $24.9 billion in goods passing between the two nations in 2012. Vietnam's open policies and
geographical position near global supply chains have made it one of the most promising emerging markets where business opportunities are abundant.


The twelve delegates are from Vinh Phuc Province, known for three main industries: automobile, electronics-computing, and mechanics. Two foreign investor enterprises, Toyota Vietnam and Honda Vietnam, have been key contributors to its industrial growth. It is located near the capital of Hanoi and Hanoi's Noi Boi Airport and is known for its beautiful landscape, its highly developed road, water, and railway systems. It is a growing economy with plentiful opportunities.


This Forum will present a unique opportunity for U.S. companies and entrepreneurs to meet with 12 high-level Vietnamese government and business leaders. U.S. companies and entrepreneurs will be able to build relations, market their brands, and learn more about investment and business opportunities available to them in Vietnam.

​U.S.-China Chamber of Commerce


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Suite 601

Chicago, Illinois 60603 U.S.A.

Tel: (312) 368-9911
Fax: (312) 368-9922

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52 Caihong North Road
Ningbo, Zhejiang Province

China 315040

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