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15th Annual U.S.-China Trade Conference

Reform after a Half Century of Industrialization

November 17 & 18, 2014

Fairmont Chicago, Millenium Park



USCCC is pleased to invite you to our 15th Annual U.S.-China Trade Conference, which will be held on November 17 and 18, 2014 (Monday and Tuesday) at Fairmont Chicago, Illinois.  This one-and-a-half day, highly condensed, comprehensive conference will bring together 25 practitioners in U.S.-China business to discuss a variety of topics in conducting successful cross-border business.   They have lived and worked in both countries, and they regularly travel internationally to identify global trends, ascertain opportunities, and manage business operations.  Many of these executives have worked with U.S.-China Chamber of Commerce for over 15 years and are keen to share their experiences and insights at this exceptional event.

After nearly a half century of industrialization, China is again at a crossroad.  The growth of two of its major pillars, exports and foreign direct investments (FDI), is stagnant.  The real estate market, the main driving force in wealth creation, is experiencing unprecedented challenges.  Many large Chinese companies that have a monopolistic position in China are expanding overseas because of the government’s encouragement and a lack of investment opportunities domestically.  Many of them are now forced to compete in uncharted territories.  With the advent of internet and mobile devices, the aging population, and a new generation that is born in the digital era, China is now a different marketplace from the one that we knew 15 years ago. All of these developments create unknowns, challenges, and opportunities. This conference will strive to isolate these issues and identify the direction for corporations and professionals to stay competitive in the future. 


We hope you will join us at the 15th Annual U.S.-China Trade Conference.  Thank you and we look forward to seeing you on November 17 and 18.  










2014 年11 月 17 日至 18 日

Fairmont Chicago, Millennium Park







中美总商会全力帮助中美两国企业全新、全面地走向世界。中美总商会是举办大型中美双边商务研讨会的先锋,并已于过去成功组织并主办了十四年中美商贸研讨会。每届研讨会均有250多名中美两国政府、企业代表参加。特别值得一提的是,2000年中国柴利民副省长(前河北省现山东省)亲自带领河北代表团参加了首届中美商业贸易研讨会,此后,有来自上海,沉阳,大连,常州等各地的代表团参加了各届研讨会。许多大公司,包括应万向(Wanxiang); 纳威斯达(NaviStar); 联合包裹快递服务公司(UPS)、福特汽车制造公司(Ford)、摩托罗拉公司(Motorola)、伊工(ITW)、中国银行(Bank of China)、霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)及超过一千家美国中小企业参加了研讨会。美国前国务卿贝格, 美国驻中国大使,总统候选人,世界银行行长,大公司的董事长兼首席执行官也到会并发表了重要讲话。


本次会议的赞助商包括全球最大移民律师事务所Fragomen, Del Rey, Bernsen & Loewy, LLP,全球最大航空公司之一的达美航空Delta Air Lines, Inc.,全球最大玉米粉与墨西哥烧饼生产商Gruma Corporation,第五大会计师楼Plante Moran PLLC,美国知名律师楼Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP,被誉为“中国企业常青树”的万向集团 (Wanxiang),全球领先的信息与通信解决方案供应商,世界500强企业华为(Huawei)和风投基金The Jordan Company。发言者包括万向美国集团董事长,延峰美国汽车内饰系统有限公司董事长,潍柴美国分公司董事长,纳威斯达与江淮汽车合资公司(合肥)总裁,全球最大验证公司UL, LLC高级副总裁,全球最大连接器制造商之一Morlex Incorporated市场部副总监和世界500强手工具制造商Snap-On Incorporated全球采购总监等。其他参与者有多家中小企业所有人及总裁。我们欢迎更多的中国公司参与进来,我们愿意帮助你们结识更多的美国客商,寻找合适的贸易与投资伙伴。












































We would like to thank our sponsors for their support.


We would like to thank our media sponsor for its support.

We would like to thank our co-organizers for their support.

​U.S.-China Chamber of Commerce


19 South La Salle Street

Suite 601

Chicago, Illinois 60603 U.S.A.

Tel: (312) 368-9911
Fax: (312) 368-9922

China Office - Ningbo: 

(Temporarily closed, please direct

inquiries to our headquarters in Chicago)

Director:  Zhang, Jian Ming
2309 Portman Center

52 Caihong North Road
Ningbo, Zhejiang Province

China 315040

Tel: 86-574-87953268

Fax: 86-574-87953267


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